October 17, 2024

Utah Leadership—Hypocrisy & Corruption: The Modus Operandi of Elected Officials?

By HMM Fry

Over the past several months, the ‘powers that be’ in Utah have, with an audacity comparable to the players in Washington DC, demonstrated a troubling inconsistency in their application of the law that reveals remarkable impunity.  

First, they denied Layne Bangerter’s candidacy for Lieutenant Governor, claiming he did not meet the  “letter of the law” requirements. Meanwhile, they continue to promote Governor Cox as a legitimate candidate, despite clear evidence that he too failed to meet the “letter of the law” by collecting the proper amount of signatures within the time required to secure a spot on the ballot for the Utah Republican Primary.

Furthermore, they have ignored the Utah GOP bylaw stating that any candidate who secures 60% at the convention advances to the general election, while still validating Cox’s candidacy after he fell short on convention votes AND signatures.

In the judicial arena, they adhered to a ruling from the Utah State Supreme Court that invalidated Constitutional Amendments A & D, rendering votes on these measures meaningless. Yet they assert that votes for Cox will count, even though his candidacy has now been proven invalid.

They claimed adherence to the “letter of the law” as the justification for invalidating over 1,200 ballots for Colby Jenkins—not due to late mailing, but because of postal errors and questionable routing of Utah ballots through Las Vegas. However, they overlook the insufficient signatures for Cox due to “human error” in Davis County’s ballot verification process.

Additionally, the State Records Committee denied access to public records—rights guaranteed to candidates and elected officials—citing an ongoing “investigation”. Under scrutiny, this claim is little more than a weak attempt to obstruct & conceal, Again, the “powers that be” selectively ignore election interference when it serves to protect their political interests.

Despite proclaiming Utah’s elections as the “gold standard” for integrity and transparency, they deny candidates the legal right to access and verify Cast Vote Records and petition signatures. This contradiction is reinforced by lavish spending on billboard ads and op-eds aimed at convincing the public of their commitment to transparency, even as they sweep the truth under the rug. 

They profess to uphold the Constitution while vilifying those, like Phil Lyman and Natalie Clawson, who call for equal application of the law and genuine transparency in Utah’s elections.

Utah has essentially become a banana republic – and this latest revelation from the Legislative Audit Committee is the embodiment of the contempt that Utah’s elected elite have for the citizens they are supposed to serve. To label their behavior as disgraceful and reprehensible barely scratches the surface of the corruption within our state’s leadership. If state leadership chooses to enforce the “the law” only when it suits their agenda, they are no better than present-day tyrants & despots and those throughout history – Biden, Newsom, Pelosi, Schumer, George III, Louis XVI, Gaddafi, Hussein, Amin, PolPot, Mao, Stalin, Peron, Maduro, Cuomo, Trudeau…it’s a long list. 

As elected leadership in Utah, every one of them across this state have taken the oath to uphold THE law of the land – the US & Utah State Constitutions. It is time to enforce the law and show Utahns that our elected officials genuinely wish to earn their place on the right side of history. Make no mistake—they will be remembered as the “leaders” who refused to honor and uphold the law!

@House Speaker Mike Schultz,  @Senate President Stuart Adams,  @AG Sean Reyes @Mike Lee
@UtahGOP/@Rob Axson, State Party Chair,  @Chris Null 

And to our 29 County Clerks, County GOP leadership, County Commissioners, Sheriffs, and state & county attorneys—HONOR & ENFORCE THE LAW!!!


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